Monday 1 July 2013


Have had the most fantastic few days.
On Friday the groupings everything packed, and hopped on a coach to get outside Madrid. First stop? Franco's Valley of the Fallen. For anyone who doesn't know, General Franco was the fascist leader of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. The Valley of the Fallen was a monument designed by Franco as a memorial to the fallen on both sides of Spain's civil war. It is one of the creepiest and most effecting places I have ever been. The huge cross built on top of the hill sits on top of an underground church and crypt full of unmarked soldiers. I can put photos of the outside, but we were not allowed any in the basilica. It was huge, cold, and full of majorly creepy statues guarding everything. It is so hard to explain, but it made most people feel very uncomfortable. But still an incredibly fascinating site.

On a lighter note, we then headed off to El Escorial, an immense palace in the mountains. It was beautiful, but once again I can't show you photos, I was not allowed. Kate, freya and I did our speech in the palace,and hopefully we did a decent job. Then it was a short drive to the medieval town of Segovia. It was an incredible, if slightly touristy place, I shall post photos of the town. The next day we had a tour of the amazing aquaduct built by the Romans, and then a tour through the town. In the afternoon, we walked round the alcazar, the palace that is supposed to be the inspiration for the Disney castle.

That evening, looking out over the aquaduct, we had a traditional castilian dinner, which included suckling pig. There was some kind of festival/concert in the square, and so after agreeing to one drink, I ended up staying out to about 2.30 at this concert, and drink a little too much sangria.

Yesterday I actually got a decent sleep in, before spending the morning in a park doing the required learning journal. Then it was back moments Madrid, for  a lunch / dinner made up of various delicious things from the supermarket. I did some washing in the bath last night, like a real proper student.

Tomorrow we're off to Toledo, where I promise more good photos. Hope you're all well back home!


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